
Monday 29 June 2015

Math Strategy

Mythical Lost City Found In Honduras Report

Mythical Lost City Found In Honduras

The first people to talk about the “White City” were Charles Lindbergh an aviator, and William Duncan Strong an anthropologists in 1928. However, Theodore Monde, an adventurer claimed to have found the city in 1939, and decided to name it the “City of the Monkey God”.

He had took some ancient artifacts from the Mythical Island and tried to find the exact location of where it was. He wanted to research some more and learn more about this so called Lost City.

Theodore Monde was the only person to discover it, but unfortunately died before he could find the exact location and tell anyone. So the scientists and Archaeologists had to restart all the research, but got some help from modern technology.

Bill Benenson and Steve Elkins overcame this because they both formed a new group to help them find the precise location of the Mythical Island. The group that they formed involved Archaeologists from the United States and Honduras, a LiDAR engineer, an anthropologist. Even British Soldiers trained in jungle survival skills. There was also an Ethnobotanist, as well as a writer and photographer who helped them find a record of previous events.

The team found at least fifty two ancient artifacts which were all buried in the ground. Their lead Archaeologist, Chris Fisher, said to have found the most amazing discovery, it was the head of a statue, believed to be from the were-jaguar. Researchers are split up about what it might represent or symbolize. Some people think that it might be a representation of a Shaman or spiritual leader.But they are afraid that cattle ranchers will ‘accidently’ find the “White City” and perform illegal deforestation when they are within twelve miles of the ancient area.

By: Kaydence

Monday 22 June 2015

My Dragon

Screenshot 2015-05-19 at 11.35.24 AM.pngName: Violet Spark
D.O.B: 3 May 2008
Gender: Female
Pets: A little Phoenix named Blaze
Siblings: Sunset, Shimmer and Sparkle! 
( Triplets ) ( All girls and all younger than her)
Parents: Mother-Tiara Spark Father-Robby Spark
Best Friends: Blaze, Quincy, Jewel and Starlight
Eats: Pineapple, Strawberries, Bananas and Firestones
Dislikes: Junk Food

How she looks:

Violet has two bright yellow horns on her head, she has beautiful purple skin with blue hair and parts of her ears and wings are blue too! Her eyes glow in the night and are yellow to match with her horns, and a long purple tail and little black eyelashes and eyebrows. She has four legs and sharp claws for self defense.

How she behaves:

Violet is very good, she acts mature and treats everybody the same. She knows not to throw tantrums and she helps her younger sisters when they cry.

How she moves:

Violet moves very swiftly, she walks around very lightly, but most of the time she is flying around with Blaze and her friends. When she is walking around on the ground, she sways her body side to side so she can keep her balance and she sings when she breathes in and out!


The Making of Chocolate

Making Chocolate:


- Nibs

How is Chocolate made:

1.People find cocoa Beans which can be found in West Africa, near the equator.

2.Then they leave the cocoa beans in the sun for a while, which helps with the flavour.

3.Then they are shipped off to different regions to be made into chocolate.

4.The cocoa beans are then blended, cleaned, dried and the shells are crushed, only leaving the nibs, the main ingredient of of chocolate.

5.Next, the nibs are grounded into a liquid cocoa mass, then the mass is processed to make cocoa powder and cocoa butter.

6.Then the cocoa powder and the cocoa butter are added to a few other ingredients like Sugar, Milk and Lecithin.

7.After, all the ingredients are then blended together and put through a number of rollers.

8.Then, it is put through a process where it removes any unwanted elements and put into a specific size.

9.Then the mixture is put through a process called Conching, which is the final process. It is when the ingredients are carefully blended and watched in a large tank for the development of flavour.

10.And finally the chocolate is shaped or moulded into blocks, drops, buttons or bars, then it is ready to be shipped.

11.But before it is made, it goes through a process called tempering. This process is when the chocolate mixture is heated, cooled and mixed. This gives our chocolate the right texture and makes our chocolate shiny!

Thursday 11 June 2015

R.E Badge

Matilda Book Review


This book is about a little girl named Matilda Wormwood, who was very bright at a young age. Her family doesn’t really care for her or realise her intelligence. One day she decided that when her brother left for school, her dad left to sell stolen car parts and her mother went to bingo, that she would leave the house and go and visit the library. She begins reading picture books but as she grows older she starts reading chapter books at the age of four, but she had a problem, she had already finished the entire children’s section of books. So she asks Mrs Phelps, the librarian, to help her find some different books. She chose ‘Great Expectations’ for the little four year old Matilda. Matilda loved the library so much that she went back every day, when her family was gone, and took her little red wagon and began getting more challenging books. Until one day, her dad told her she was old enough to go to school. Matilda was so excited, and she made a best friend whose name was Lavender. Then she met her wonderful teacher, Miss Honey. She was so nice to Matilda and then she met the principal, Miss Trunchbull. She is a nasty person who treats the students so badly. Throughout the book, Matilda discovers something extraordinary, she has a special type of power.

My favourite characters in the book are Matilda and Miss Honey. They are wonderful smart people who get treated unfairly but have done nothing wrong. I recommend this book to ages 7 and over and hope people will enjoy!

By: Kaydence

Midnight Book Review


Midnight is about a young girl named Violet, who lives with her mum, dad and her older brother Will. He has always been her best friend, but always plays silly games with her and scares her. One day, when Violet is at school, a new girl arrives, Jasmine, and immediately makes Violet her best friend. They get along really well and decide to start making their own plans. So later that day, after school, they both went to Jasmine’s house. They had so much fun, but as Violet realised the time, she had to go! The main characters in this book are Violet, Will, Jasmine and Violet’s parents. Throughout the book Violet discovers hidden secrets from her family’s past, she also meets new people. My favourite character is Violet, because she is so creative and makes her own little fairies. I recommend this book ages ten and over!
By: Kaydence