Mythical Lost City Found In Honduras
The first people to talk about the “White City” were Charles Lindbergh an aviator, and William Duncan Strong an anthropologists in 1928. However, Theodore Monde, an adventurer claimed to have found the city in 1939, and decided to name it the “City of the Monkey God”.
He had took some ancient artifacts from the Mythical Island and tried to find the exact location of where it was. He wanted to research some more and learn more about this so called Lost City.
Theodore Monde was the only person to discover it, but unfortunately died before he could find the exact location and tell anyone. So the scientists and Archaeologists had to restart all the research, but got some help from modern technology.
Bill Benenson and Steve Elkins overcame this because they both formed a new group to help them find the precise location of the Mythical Island. The group that they formed involved Archaeologists from the United States and Honduras, a LiDAR engineer, an anthropologist. Even British Soldiers trained in jungle survival skills. There was also an Ethnobotanist, as well as a writer and photographer who helped them find a record of previous events.
The team found at least fifty two ancient artifacts which were all buried in the ground. Their lead Archaeologist, Chris Fisher, said to have found the most amazing discovery, it was the head of a statue, believed to be from the were-jaguar. Researchers are split up about what it might represent or symbolize. Some people think that it might be a representation of a Shaman or spiritual leader.But they are afraid that cattle ranchers will ‘accidently’ find the “White City” and perform illegal deforestation when they are within twelve miles of the ancient area.
By: Kaydence
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